The Quicklizard platform helps online, omnichannel and brick & mortar retailers identify optimal price points to increase revenues and profits through every sales channel.

Pricing managers can focus on developing pricing strategy rather than spending their time tracking competitors and updating excel sheets. The result is increased sales, higher profits, and improved pricing implementation across all product lines.

Our Representatives

Shir Boker Ganon

Growth Manager, Quicklizard

Growth Manager


Business development and sales specialist with a proven track record of; establishing and maintaining relationships with partners to leverage the company’s growth goals while analysing da...

Moshe Avrahami

Head of Sales Development, Quicklizard

Head of Sales Development


I am passionate about connecting with other business minded people to find ways to collaborate towards common goals.

Reuben Solomon

Sales and Business Dev..., Quicklizard

Sales and Business Development


An entrepreneurial and passionate team leader and team player with 20+ years experience in International Sales, Online Marketing and Business Development. Known for developing strategic...

Pini Mandel

Co-Founder & CEO, Quicklizard

Co-Founder & CEO


Pini Mandel established QL in 2013, bringing more than 15 years of technology industry leadership and executive management experience to his role as CEO. Pini manages the company’s fast-g...

Tal Weber

CRO, Quicklizard



Company's Solutions

A Recognized Dynamic Pricing Leader

Quicklizard, a 2020 Top 10 Artificial Intelligence Solution Provider according to Retail Tech Insights, offers a flexible dynamic pricing platform that routinely increases revenues by up to 30% and increases profit margins by up to 10%.

Internal and External Data Synthesis

Quicklizard’s AI and machine-learning-based platform analyzes data from both internal and external sources as it determines the ideal price to make a sale. Some examples of that data are in the following list.

Internal Data Sources:

  • Inventory levels
  • Product expiration dates
  • Customer behavior data
  • Historical sales patterns
  • Products costs

External Data Sources:

  • Competitor pricing
  • Holiday events
  • Seasonal changes
  • New model releases

The AI engine uses algorithms to determine a price, and machine learning to continually improve on its pricing recommendations.

Modes of Operation

Quicklizard offers three different modes of operation:

  • AI Dynamic Pricing – In this mode, the system is entirely AI-based, using off-the-shelf algorithms to recommend and implement pricing.
  • Rule-Based Dynamic Pricing – In this mode, users define rules and constraints to limit pricing flexibility based on an overall pricing strategy.
  • Hybrid AI & Rule-Based Pricing – In this mode, the system applies AI recommendations (80%) within the confines of user-defined rules (20%) to identify the ideal selling price.

Benefits of the Quicklizard Platform

  • The pricing automation platform ensures accurate implementation of your company’s pricing policy across channelswith 100% catalog coverage.
  • The dashboard gives users full control over the AI and rule-based pricing strategies.
  • The system offers a real-time response to changes in competitor pricing, costs, and user behavior.
  • Fast implementation and easy integration with common commerce, retail and ERP platforms.
  • Seamless sync of approved prices into commerce of ERP platforms.


The Quicklizard platform includes the following features:

  • Product data management
  • Pricing rules manager
  • Dashboard
  • Full customization
  • Reports and recommendations
  • Automated pricing and recommendations
  • API
  • A/B testing
  • Campaign management
  • Visibility and control

Prominent Case Study

Scoring Record Profits for an Omnichannel Sporting Goods Retailer

A European sporting goods retailer with over 600 retail outlets, a vibrant online presence, and €400M in sales. Sales came through 3 channels. Retail stores, online orders, and click-and-collect orders, where an order was placed online but picked up by a consumer at the retail store.

The company was selling merchandise at the same price through all three channels but believed that dynamic pricing would boost their revenue and profits. Quicklizard recommended real-time dynamic pricing for both the online and click-and-collect channels, and dynamic price updates every three days in the retail outlets.

Stunning Results

The Quicklizard platform was implemented, and pricing was optimized for each channel. Over a 5-month period, the retailer saw a 9.2% overall sales increase. Profits rose across all channels as well. The online and click-and-collect channels, using real-time pricing updates, saw a 15% increase in profits, while offline retail outlets increased profits by 8%.